What is Perfect Body?
Perfect Body is a digital app which offers users a personalized diet and fitness plan for the purpose of losing weight, toning muscle, and enhancing fitness levels. As an option for those who don’t like apps, you can get the service via e-mail.
It offers numerous features such as detailed meal plans and grocery lists, more than 1000 recipes, tracking of your calories and other pertinent information, and health analytics. Developed by top RDNs and recommended by others all over the world, in my opinion this is one of the best digital weight loss programs available.

Perfect Body Review – Image/Wellness Digest
About the Brand
The manufacturer of Perfect Body is a company by the name of UAB Kilo Grupé, which has their offices in Vilnius, Lithuania. They are one of the top producers of weight loss apps in the world, with a number of different digital programs to their credit already. They offer their apps in a number of countries, including USA, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Mexico, and the UK.
Overall Rating

- The program considers the needs, preferences, and dietary restrictions of the user.
- The brand has over 4 million users around the world.
- Top RDNs from around the world developed the program.
- Beyond Body provides a recovery plan if you fall off the diet.
Active Ingredients
- Personalized meal and fitness plans
- Over 1000 recipes
- Detailed grocery lists.
- Tracking of calories, workout, water intake, etc.
- Health analytics
- Possibility of getting emails instead of using the app
- Perfect Body can help to promote weight loss.
- It teaches you long-term health habits for weight maintenance.
- The program can help you improve your fitness levels.
- Perfect Body can improve your muscle tone.
- It’s easy to follow and many of the meals have short preparation times.
- There’s no community or individual support.
- The program requires you to be very self-motivated.
- Some users simply prefer to meet with an RDN or other professional in person.
Why Perfect Body?
- One of the top manufacturers of digital health apps
- A number of useful features like tracking, health analytics, and recipes
- Subscription prices are very reasonable
How Does Perfect Body Work?
The company analyses your data regarding your preferences and restrictions and develops a personalized program for women to follow to fat burners for women and get in shape. The menu plans will vary but include healthy foods and provide some kind of calorie deficit for weight loss.
The workouts help you burn additional calories, tone your muscles, and improve your fitness level. You use the tracking and the health analytics to chart your progress. An article in JMIR Publications examined user perspectives on diet-tracking apps [1].
The goal of the program is not only to help you lose weight and get in shape, but it also aims to teach you long term health habits by providing you with recipes and information about nutrition and weight.
Ideally, this should help you maintain your weight loss. An article in Family Practice[2] discussed the effects of dieting and exercise on the metabolism, and its implications for weight management. You can also refer to Noom Reviews as it offers similar benefits to Perfect Body Lose Weight Digital App.
What are the Ingredients in Perfect Body?
Perfect Body includes meal plans tailored to your needs, which include healthy ingredients like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fatty fish, nuts and seeds, leans meats, and healthy fats.
They provide recipes and detailed grocery lists so you learn to make new healthy meals and can follow the diet long-term. An article in Nutrients defined the elements of a healthy diet and looked at the link between nutrition, health, and disease [3].
The diet asks that you limit your intake of refined sugar, processed foods, alcohol, and unhealthy fats significantly. An article in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine discussed the hidden dangers of processed and fast food [4].
Where Can You Buy Perfect Body?
The Perfect Body subscription is for sale on the official website, and you can download the program from most of the app stores. They may occasionally offer deals or promo codes. The prices are as follows:
- 3 Month Plan – $2.99/week
- 6 Month Plan – $1.99/week
- 12 Month Plan – $1.29/week
Perfect Body FAQ
Q: How Do I Use Perfect Body?
A: Go to the official website and complete the quiz, which takes about 3 minutes. This will assess your needs and preferences, so the company can prepare your individual diet and exercise plan. Either sign up for the email program to get a daily message, or download the app, and begin following your program.
Q: Does Perfect Body Work?
A: Perfect Body provides you with the tools you need to follow a healthy lifestyle, lose weight, and get into better shape. According to many of the Perfect Body reviews, it definitely can do that if you put in the work. However, it all depends on you following the program laid out for you and putting in the motivation.
Q: What is the Perfect Body Return Policy?
A: You can cancel the program any time, and it will finish at the end of the period you have paid for. You can’t get a refund on time you have already purchased.
Q: Who Should Use Perfect Body?
A: This app is ideal for anyone looking to lose weight and get into better shape but has limited time and does not want to meet with anyone personally. Perfect Body is best for customers who are self-motivated and like the idea of combining technology with health.
Q: Is Perfect Body Safe?
A: As long as you provide the correct information and follow the plan provided to you, yes, this program is completely safe. It advises you to eat healthy, organic foods which are good for the body, and follow an exercise program within your capabilities and preferences.
Q: What Sets Perfect Body Apart From the Competition?
A: Perfect Body is one of the only digital weight loss programs that considers that there are people who prefer not to user apps, which is why they offer the option of getting your information by email. In addition, Perfect Body offers a bigger selection of recipes than many similar apps, with detailed grocery lists.
What Do The Perfect Body Reviews Say?
I read through many Perfect Body reviews, and I was very impressed by the quality of the feedback. Users loved this program, and they found it clear, easy to follow, and filled with helpful tools and recipes.
Many said they lost a significant amount of weight and improved their general fitness levels. I’ve picked out some of the top reviews so you can see what users are saying about Perfect Body.
My Experience Has Been Wonderful
- The app helps me with meal planning and staying on a workout program. My weight loss has been great, and I will continue to work towards my goal. – – Steve
- I love the Perfect Body app and diet. It is straightforward and easy to use , and I love how simple it is to change meals or individual ingredients. Most of all, I like the Perfect Body results! I am feeling GREAT! – – Julie M.
- I really like how I get to eat more and still lose weight. I like that I can change my meal if I’m not too fond of it. Love all the graphs that shows what you’ve completed or where you’re at! – – Esther F.
- I love how you can choose to have meals put together for you according to your goal. I need guidance with what to do, and the app is awesome! I do wish I could sync my Fitbit to it, but otherwise I have no complaints. Questions are answered quickly, and the app is easy to use and tracks everything for you. – W.
– Rebecca
Perfect Body Is Great!
Love It
Awesome App For Tracking Nutrition Goals
Final Verdict
Perfect Body is a digital app which offers a personalized weight loss and fitness program. Available also in e-mail format, the program contains meal plans, over 1000 recipes, detailed grocery lists, tracking, and healthy analytics. It comes highly recommended by RDNs and other nutrition experts.
There were numerous Perfect Body reviews online and I read through most of them personally. The vast majority of customers had great things to say about the app, finding it informative, easy to use, and motivating. Many users said they lost significant weight and gained muscle tone.
Perfect Body is a safe program which takes your needs, preferences, and dietary restrictions into account. In my opinion it is one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly digital weight loss programs available today, and well worth a try.
At Wellness Digest, our sourcing guidelines are strict and we only use primary references for our articles including peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
1. User Perspectives of Diet-Tracking Apps: Reviews Content Analysis and Topic Modeling: https://www.jmir.org/2021/4/e25160/
2. Effects Of Dieting And Exercise On Resting Metabolic Rate And Implications For Weight Management: https://academic.oup.com/fampra/article/16/2/196/480196?login=false
3. Cena H, Calder PC. Defining a Healthy Diet: Evidence for The Role of Contemporary Dietary Patterns in Health and Disease. Nutrients. 2020 Jan 27;12(2):334. doi: 10.3390/nu12020334. PMID: 32012681; PMCID: PMC7071223.
4. Fuhrman J. The Hidden Dangers of Fast and Processed Food. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2018 Apr 3;12(5):375-381. doi: 10.1177/1559827618766483. PMID: 30283262; PMCID: PMC6146358.
6. They All Work...When You Stick To Them": A Qualitative Investigation Of Dieting, Weight Loss, And Physical Exercise, In Obese Individuals: https://nutritionj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1475-2891-7-34
7. What Matters in Weight Loss? An In-Depth Analysis of Self-Monitoring: https://www.jmir.org/2017/5/e160/
8. Mobile Health Assisted Self-Monitoring Is Acceptable For Supporting Weight Loss In Rural Men: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial: https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-021-11618-7
The app is user-friendly and easy to navigate, and the personalized plan provides great guidance for weight loss and improving overall fitness.
For anyone wishing to advance their fitness journey, I wholeheartedly recommend Perfect Body.